Friday, June 6, 2008



I feel so desperate,
Feel so blue.
I feel like I'd just die-
Just die... without you.

Dunno why you're doing this,
Dunno why you rip apart my heart;
Dunno why ... I even care for you !
But hell- let's just not part...

Because I'd die without you.

Tears of blood, pain so raw
Can't feel anything else.
Yet you haunt the memories, wish I could throw 'em -
D'you remember ? Like, at the beach we used to ?
Cast away the broken sea-shells... ?

But I won't, but I can't.
Its the memories that I ive on,
Each day tortures me, saying-
"He'll never come back... he's gone."

I know you don't care.
You're trying to forget-
But hey, I can't !
Loving you is something I won't regret...

Yet, I feel so desperate
Yet you don't care
I still feel so blue.
Call you back ? I don't dare...

Can't let you break my heart again,
Can't let you make me cry.
Can't let you make me love you 'gain-
So please don't return, don't even try.

See, cuz I too, am trying to forget
I'll steel myself too,
You ask, "What's the use ?"
I know, cuz I still can't live without you... ~


Ţ φ Я Į said...

luvly poem....a bit depressing though :P
cheer up gal :D

Preeti said...

one of the most beautiful poemz i've ever seen.

mεphîsτσphεlεs said...

Pain seemz ta be personified in dis piece.... *worships Lynn* .... TEACH ME!!!
It wuz touchin az well.... BTW...iz it fer real....I mean....did sumbody leave ya???? :P :P